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Briefing by Senior Partner C. K. Kwong on IP arbitration and mediation at the Hong Kong Government briefing session on “Promoting the development of Hong Kong as an IP trading hub”

Senior Partner C.K. Kwong was appointed as a member of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Trading in March 2013. The Terms of Reference of this Working Group (lead by Hong Kong Government Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Bureau – CEDB) are (a) to advise on the overall strategies to promote the development of Hong Kong as an intellectual property trading hub; and (b) to identify possible policy and other support measures to facilitate intellectual property trading in Hong Kong.

As Convenor of its sub-group on IP arbitration and mediation, Senior Partner C. K. Kwong was invited to speak on “IP Arbitration and Mediation” at the Government briefing session on “Promoting the development of Hong Kong as an Intellectual Property (IP) trading hub” on 18th September 2013.

His power point presentation can be found at the following links of the Government CEDB website:-

(a) http://www.cedb.gov.hk/citb/doc/en/Councils_Boards_Committees/IP_trading_briefing_session_Mr_CK_Kwongs_presentation.pdf

(b) http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201309/18/P201309180573_photo_1058649.htm

The presentation was followed by enthusiastic discussions with the audience. A further briefing to interested professional bodies is scheduled on 8th October 2013.