Home > Members > Consultant > Sylvia W. Y. Siu, JP

- Sylvia W. Y. Siu, JP
- Consultant

2909 7318 sylviasiu@sfks.com.hk
- Bachelor of Science in Commerce (University of Santa Clara 1975).
- Master of Business Administration (University of Santa Clara 1976).
- Master of Laws (University of Hong Kong 1991).
- Diploma in Chinese Law (University of East Asia 1988).
- Solicitor of Hong Kong (1984), England (1989 (non-practising)), Australian Capital Territory (1989 (non-practising)), and Singapore (1990 (non-practising)),
- China-Appointed Attesting Officer (1995).
- Fellow-Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (1996).
- Fellow-Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (1998).
- Accredited Mediator of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”), Law Society of Hong Kong (“LS”), Hong Kong Mediation Centre and CEDR (UK) (Commercial, Family and Supervisor Panel of HKIAC and LS).
- Arbitrator of CIETAC, Dailin, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Loudi, Shenyang, Huizhou Arbitration Commission. Conciliator of Harbin Conciliation Centre of China Council for Promotion of International Trade.
- Chairman of the Board of Governors of Hong Kong Mediation Centre.
- Council Member of the Law Society of Hong Kong.
- ADR Chairman and Past President of the Hong Kong Federation of Women Lawyers.
- Vice Chairman of Town Planning Appeal Board.
- President of Hong Kong Mediation Centre (2005-2007).
- President of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (2004-2005).
- Civil and Commercial Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation.
- Construction.
- Conveyancing and Property.
- Probate and Administration of Estate.
- Corporate and Commercial.